On Sunday the 16th of August the Wahoo BBC of Royal Oak traveled to Historic Fort Wayne for a match against the Early Riser BBC. The Wahoos brought along the newly earned Plymouth Bat awarded to the team following their victory over the Lah-De-Dahs at Greenfield Village the previous week. The Bat comes with a rule stipulating it be awarded to a team if they defeat you, no official challenge necessary (unlike the coveted Michigan Cup).
The weather was warm and the field quite hard and devoid of grass which led to some scorching ground balls to the infield and balls that rolled for miles in the outfield. The Risers play by the Fly Rule which the Wahoos struggled with a bit more than the previous week. These errors mixed with fine striking from several of the Risers let to a couple difficult innings in the field for the Wahoos.
The Wahoos entered the final frame with a 5 tally deficit. Some timely striking mixed with aggressive base running helped cut the Risers lead to 2. The Risers were able to stop the Wahoos short, however, leaving runners in scoring position and taking the win. With the defeat, the Wahoos' captain "Hammer" graciously awarded the Plymouth Bat to the Early Risers. Both teams will be taking the long Labor Day weekend off for some much needed rest. The Early Risers will be defending the Bat against the Lah-De-Dahs on September 9th at Historic Fort Wayne. We wish them the best of luck!
Next Match: September 9th, 2018 vs. Walker Tavern Wheels BBC 1:00 PM @ Starr-Jaycee Park